The Second
HMS Manchester Association

Part 6

Corinth Canal
3 Sierra Mess get ready for action, including Harry The Bastard & Joe Cocker
Hands to bathe...
Sharks to dinner!!
Beach run with Errol Kepple
King Neptune's Court -
with a luscious Cam Hackett
Dave Leighton &
Tom Petty - Bahrain
Tom Petty & Harry The Bastard
All phots kindly donated by Tom Petty
Taken Circa 1989
Selection from Armilla Patrol 1989 - 1990
Camel Racing - Keith Woolven
Pete White, Andy Green
Chief Fireman - who else could it be?
Sam McKeown - beach BBQ Jebel Ali
Chief's Mess Dinner in Spain - too many names to mention!!
Crossing the line ceremony - Leading Seaman Percy Percival
Wiggy Bennett on a diet - beach BBQ Jebel Ali
MAA Archie Dickie at the beach BBQ Jebel Ali looking for that guy who went AWOL
Stevie Swaine - Mike Till trophy
Village Fete - Bob Mullen, ?, Trevor Pears (killick greenie)
Phots courtesy of Keith Woolven
Taff the Rocket - airborne!
Famous CPO's Mess BBQ night before entering Straits of Hormuz for Gulf War 1, BBQ one side, RAS(L) the other.  Sel Patch & Nick Athawes look on as Andy Holbrow tries his Avcat BBQ starter technique.
Darby Allen, Nick Athawes and Bill Morgan try to get over the stress of Gulf War 1 in Penang
Eddie Over's Mean Manch Rugby Machine in Singapore
Gulf War Warriors - Note the workers in blue: Andy Green, Darby Allen and Bill Morgan, with non coms in white!
1989 - 1991 - Page 1
First Commish phots - page 1
85 - 87 phots - page 1
87 - 89 phots - page 1
Post 91 phots
Phots kindly donated by Andy Green
Spike Thorne & Dave Arthur Ship anchored off for a bit of R&R at Pilau Tiomen, May 1991"And the winner of the hairy pectorals competition is the 'rugged' Dave Arthur!"
Phots kindly donated by Dave Arthur
BBQ Gulf...Victory BBQ after beating HMS Gloucester in Rugby
BBQ Outbound...Dave Furnival (Saints) & Bungy Williams (Blades)
BBQ Homebound... Dave Furnival & Bas Bassingdale - looking gooood!
George ?, Dave Furnival & CWEM(O) Al Day, Hong Kong bar, Penang
Helo 360 March 1991...WAFUs playing Matelots
Jolly Roger - HMS Manchester flies the Jolly Roger (March 1991) - Designed & Made by LWEM (R) Dave Furnival
Mighty Manch crew 1991 - say no more!
Red Nose Day 1991
Now I know what bollards are for!! Dave Furnival
Phots kindly donated by Dave Furnival
L to R - Spike Thorne, Dave "Shadwell" Hopkins, Charlie Hensman, Tansy Lee, Bill Morgan, "Slap" Hiscock and Shep Colley
Alongside in Bahrain March 1991- On the flight deck with Paul "Richy" Richards holding Miss Lovelace whilst H "Hooter Head" is stood to the right
BBQ Jebel Ali - December 89 Taff Everett, Chris Baker & Chief Wafoo Abi Hirgi attempt to offer some food (burnt offerings) to the Sun God.  Taff the Rocket lurks in the background always ready to launch himself into action and ruin some nice families holiday snaps!
Chief's Mess Tug-of-War team-1 Errol Kepple, Nick Athawes, Andy Green, Andy Gibbons & Barry Lucas(partly hidden) at anchor. Of course you have to ask yourself why the biggest man in the Mess Wiggy Bennett is just cheering us on!!  Eddie Over gives himself a comforting hug in the background!
Chief's Mess Tug-of-War - team 2 Andy Gibbons is really trying in this one?  Nice "up shot" of Barry Lucas though.  Wiggy must be all in with that shouting.
Crossing the Line ceremony 1990?
Chaos ensues as one rating does not wish to take up Neptune's kind offer to cross the line.  Note Stevie Swaine in his posing pouch in the background!!
Crossing the Line ceremony - 1990?
CPO Ruffus "Nobby" Clarke as Neptune & Jack Frost as the Doctor.  The whole event was kindly sponsored by the Dining Hall Party (DHP), as can be seen emblazoned on the bucket.
Corinth Canal - 1990
Diego Garcia - 1990 -- US Navy's SR's Mess
L to R - a Yank, Simon Marriott, Waffoo Abi Hirji, Nick Athawes, another Yank.  Nick got the worse for wear, during and after this run ashore - found at side of the road at 0300 next morning.  However the 2 Yanks pictured washed and pressed all his clothes and brought them back onboard the next day!!  He went back that afternoon with the rest of his locker!!  Nice guys the Yanks.  I bet that the NSF on the left-hand Yanks hat stands for Naval Special Forces!  (Nah! Naval Stores forever!!)

Hope Hospital Visit - October 1990 - The then Chief's Mess Charity - Sel Patch, Slinger Wood (The Tall) kneeling, Slinger Wood (the small), Knocker White, Jeff Lindsay, Kev Viggers, Jay Muir (back), Nick Athawes & Mike Smith.  The young lad at the front was passing and requested to be in the photo, he sadly later passed on and a special presentation was made to his father during our next visit in 1991. This picture formed the centre piece of that presentation as the lad had always talked about the day he had met the navy.  I know that we, in the CPO's Mess, never forgot the brave boy.
Phots courtesy of Nick Athawes
89 - 91 phots - page 2
And the winner of the Chippies Party funny face competition is Steve Oscroft (R) while Mini Cooper (L) and Mac McGlinchey know when they are well beaten!
Steaming up the Thames in 1991, L/Sea Steve Jack - far right - and shipmates get ready to secure the Mighty Manch
85 - 87 phots - page 2
89 - 91 phots page 3
89 - 91 phots - page 4
87 - 89 phots - page 2
First Commish phots - page 1A